
Break your barrier
to public speaking

Become a more dynamic, confident and persuasive presenter

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Great speeches
don't spring out of nowhere

"That government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the Earth." "I have nothing to offer but blood, toil, tears and sweat." "I have a dream". "Mister Gorbachev, tear down this wall." "Don't ask what your country can do for you." "There is no easy path to freedom, anywhere." Excerpts from monumental speeches that had an impact.

However, in how many presentations have you been pushed to do something different, by the persuasive powers of the speaker?

Increase your worth

Most presentations are not memorable. What you say, how you say it, and how you make it relevant to the audience, can transform a message into a rocket. And many ideas are left in the closet because their creators do not know how to communicate them in a dynamic and convincing way.

Public speaking skills are among the most practical for managers and politicians: nothing gives you a competitive advantage as great as the ability to communicate with confidence and persuasion.

The SpeakersTrainingCamp® 

At the SpeakersTrainingCamp® , you will acquire every skill you need to present to any audience, in a very practical way.

Hundreds of executives from companies such as P&G, Airbus, KPMG, Coca-Cola, Hewlett-Packard, Credit Suisse, Credit Lyonnais, M&G Investments, Estrella Galicia, Amundi, Mahle or Bankia have already perfected their speaking skills with this method that works.

What you get from the SpeakersTrainingCamp®

1. Build on your strengths and discover your areas of improvement
2. Communicate the relevance of your message
3. Know how to control your nerves
4. Reduce your preparation time by half
5. Make the message flow in an easy-to-follow structure
6. Transmit enthusiasm with your voice and gestures
7. Control the Q&A session and give the right answers
8. Chase boredom away from your visual aids
9. Learn to evaluate your own presentations
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